Thursday, December 1, 2022

Playing Around With Color

To finish out the year, I thought I would try working with color—watercolor to be more specific. I figured that it was pretty close in to the ink wash that I've been doing for a while, so the comfort level would be high and the learning curve low. I was wrong. There needs to be much more practice in the near future to get these to a good level. 

I still had fun playing around with it. 

The piece, above was one that I worked on for the November, Draw Me A Robot challenge. It did pretty well in the competition, but didn't make it to the final 3.

This next bot was something I wanted to do, after being inspired while hanging up holiday lights.

This final piece is a quick drawing that I did as part of a co-worker's birthday card. Since it was so close to Thanksgiving, all of my other co-workers and I did 'hand-turkey' drawings for their birthday greeting. I ended up doing the color in Photoshop.